Monday, February 13, 2012

Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0

The NETS-T standard I feel that I need to improve upon the most is number 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning. From the assessment, I learned that I am not always quick to pick up the latest things, and I am extremely reluctant to take part in digital media resources. Up until this class, I would have never signed up for resources like Twitter, and I would rarely frequent Facebook. These things could be used to help me in my classroom, and to help my students even more. It would be a safe assumption that my students will be really quick to pick up on the new and hot things, so I should be open to do the same. One thing I am going to have to keep up with is a classroom blog. It seems that this is a very important and useful resource that is worth the little bit of time required to keep it up to date.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Journal #1 - 100 Things That Make Me Happy (in no particular order)

  1. My family
  2. My friends
  3. Cute Girls
  4. Football
  5. Baseball
  6. Hockey
  7. Paintball
  8. Airsoft
  9. Pizza
  10. Sandwiches
  11. Taco Bell
  12. Del Taco
  13. In n Out
  14. Western movies
  15. Action movies
  16. Military Movies
  17. Historical Movies
  18. Comedies
  19. Video games
  20. Firefly/Serenity
  21. Game of Thrones
  22. Law & Order
  23. Pawn Stars
  24. Poker
  25. Casinos
  26. Cooking
  27. Seeing new places
  28. Meeting interesting people
  29. Holloween
  30. Dr. Pepper
  31. Sleep
  32. My dog Candy
  33. Sports cars
  34. Jet skies
  35. Fishing
  36. Sunny Days
  37. Windy Days
  38. Rain
  39. Snow
  40. The Ocean
  41. Swimming
  42. Xbox360
  43. History
  44. Hot Wings
  45. Playing Pool
  46. Playing Ping Pong
  47. Writing Stories
  48. Reading
  49. Best Buy
  50. Fry's Electronics
  51. Messing Around With Car Dealers
  52. iPhone
  53. Coffee
  54. Hot Chocolate
  55. College Football
  56. Shooting
  57. Star Wars
  58. Learning
  59. Tutoring
  60. Driving (no traffic)
  61. Bowling
  62. Space Stuff
  63. New Technologies
  64. Staying Up Late
  65. Music
  66. My Saxophone
  67. Internet Flash Games
  68. Fantasy Football
  69. Fantasy Baseball
  70. Buying Things on Sale
  71. Roller Coasters
  72. Bumper Cars
  73. Clint Eastwood Movies
  74. Funny Hats
  75. New Socks
  76. Remembering That Something on the Tip of the Tongue
  77. Silly Accents
  78. Monty Python
  79. Playing Games With Friends
  80. Being Right Occasionally
  81. Winning Occasionally
  82. Silly Storage TV Shows
  83. Cowboy Bebop
  84. Zombie Movies
  85. Scooby Doo
  86. Statistics
  87. Researching Things
  88. Smell of Gasoline
  89. Clicky Keyboards
  90. Military Stuff
  91. Pirate Stuff
  92. Zombie Stuff
  93. Bruce Lee
  94. Car Auctions
  95. Fireworks
  96. The Cool Side of the Pillow
  97. Weekends
  98. Days Off
  99. Graduation
  100. Finishing Homework